The Conquest of High Passes: How to act when you are in top shape mentally but the body doesn't respond that way?
Bas, Roelof and Evert are physically handicapped. Nevertheless they embark on a 1000 km bike trip across the Himalayas. From Lhasa to Kathmandu conquering mountain passes over 5000 meters high what makes enormous physical and mental demands to the participants. 
Bas came into contact as a soldier with a high tension cable and can since then no longer walk. Roelof was soldier too. During his holiday he fell 6 meters with broken spine as a result. Evert the eldest one was scientist, until he accidently came under his own car, what led to partially paralyses and aphasia. 
The camera follows the three guys during their expedition, which leads according to Evert to the truth. That truth is hard to swallow for Bas, the soldier who doesn't want to give up and wants to be an example for others. Bas can't make it to the top of the highest climb because of the cold. Roelof gets to the top, he isn't concerned about the physical obstacles, but worries about the future with his girlfriend. The journey of Evert is a romantic story: he shares his love for the mountains with his wife, like they did on their honeymoon before the accident. This bicycle excursion Himalaya marks their love, with a majestic panorama as a reward. 
THE CONQUEST OF HIGH PASSES is a moving portrait of people in search of their inner strength, during an excursion in a breathtaking landscape.
Wout Conijn
Jos de Putter, Wink de Putter
Wout Conijn
Jean Counet
Joris van Ballegoijen
Stefan Kamp
Wouter van Bemmel

(C) 2009 Dieptescherpte B.V.
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